Overtone Throat Singing Course launches with Live Looping set by Jerry Walsh


We at Didge Project are excited to announce our long awaited Overtone Throat Singing Course, a 2-hour instructional video with worksheets, led by our very own Jerry Walsh. Jerry has been studying throat singing from many different traditions for more than 10 years and brings a wealth of knowledge to this art form.

In addition to the 2-hour video throat singing course, Jerry Walsh will be offering 3 live group zoom classes on throat singing in July 2021 as well as specials on private lessons. Check out all of the offers bundled with the Overtone Throat Singing Course. Check out the course info video above to see what the course is all about.

For those of you wanting to sample the course, we’ve put together a FREE 15-minute Intro To Overtone Throat Singing, which is an excerpt from the full length video course.

Now that we’ve gotten through all the news, we are happy to release this incredible set of music performed live in the studio by Jerry Walsh using nothing more than a loop station, his voice and organic acoustic instruments. Click the video window below to watch. Thanks for tuning in and we wish you a great day!

For the flute featured in this video, check out Abuelo Flute here.


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Jerry Walsh is a musician and vocalist, weaving together ancient and otherworldly sounds from sacred traditions across the globe and creating shamanic sound journeys. He has collaborated with Merkaba (Kayla Scintilla), SriKala, Native American hip-hop artist Supaman, and American beatbox champion Mark Martin. He has been student of Taino elder, Maestro Manuel Rufino since 2012, studying the indigenous shamanic cultures of the Americas and other wisdom traditions. Jerry has traveled to 30 countries on five continents and spent a full year studying Buddhism and Himalayan culture in India, Nepal, and Bhutan from 2010-2011. He currently lives in Brooklyn, NY with the Golden Drum community when he is not on tour sharing music and meditation with partner, Ixchel Prisma.