The Didge Project Music Collective


The Didge Project Music Collective operates with a rotating roster of talented musicians. Most often AJ Block plays didgeridoo and is accompanied by a number of talented musicians. Current and past collaborators include:

Tyler Sussman – flute, saxophone, didgeridoo electronics
Jerry Walsh – didgeridoo, beatbox, throat singing, jaw harp
Matt Bazgier – percussion, guitar
Adam Maalouf – percussion
Arkawa: Juan Carlos Arevalo – ethnic flutes, charango
Joe Moffit – piano/keyboards
Tripp Dudley – percussion, tabla
Chaim Tolwin – drums, percussion
Phil Schwartz – didgeridoo, percussion, jaw harp, keyboards
David Ashkenazy – drums



Didge Project
97 Green St. #G55
Brooklyn, NY 11222


The Didge Project Music Collective blends sounds from ethnic instruments of the world with contemporary grooves and harmonies. Each live performance features original compositions by band members and utilizes didgeridoos, keyboards, saxophone, flute, drums and ethnic winds and percussion.


As One
Didgeridoo Meditation

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