Instrument Reviews

Yucca & Agave Didgeridoos Are Lightweight and Resonant

18 new agave and yucca didgeridoos have landed in our store. Made by Myke Gomezmaicas, Ben Hicks and Sam David, these instruments are great...

How To Use Energy Chimes In Sound Baths and Healing Sessions

Energy chimes are highly resonant instruments comprised of aluminum bars strung over wooden blocks. Emitting high frequencies rich in harmonics, energy chimes can fit...

Instrument Feature: The Mamaquena Flute of the Andes

Listen to the harmonic overtones of this very special flute from the Andes mountains in South America, the Mamaquena, in our video above.

Professional Handsfree Didgeridoo Stands now available in the US and Worldwide

Play it standing or sitting, free your hands to play other instruments, mount it on stage, or bring it to a drum circle: anywhere...

Demonstration of 29 Aboriginal-Made Eucalyptus Didgeridoos

Didge Project was blessed to have access to an amazing lot of aboriginal made didgeridoos. Check them out in this video! These didgeridoos are all...

Tito La Rosa plays The Heaven & Earth Bamboo Drone Flute

The Heaven & Earth Flute is a double-ended bamboo drone flute. The drone comes out the upper half while the melody notes come out...

The Charango: A Powerful Little 10-String Wonder from the Andes

The charango is a wonder in that it can create an abundance of textures, and can be played by the most beginner of musicians...

WoodSlide: The 12-Tone Professional Slide Didgeridoo

The WoodSlide didgeridoo was created out of a dream to be able to play the didgeridoo drone in any of the 12 standard keys...

Saxo-Didge: The most precisely tuned didgeridoo you will find anywhere

We are so excited to present to you The Saxo-Didge! With its unique shape, the Saxo-Didge is equipped with a deep and rich drone,...

How to Play Chord Changes on Handpan featuring Meinl Sensory Handpan D Kurd 9

Learn to play chord changes on handpan so you can play along with guitarists, pianists, compose your own music that works with musicians...

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