Urban Didgeridoo Retreat NYC: Full Day Workshop on January 7, 2017, 10am-5pm


Welcome to the Urban Didgeridoo Retreat, a full day of empowering didgeridoo and world music workshops to expand your mind and inspire your music playing.


From the 2015 Urban Didgeridoo Retreat

This workshop is for all levels of didgeridoo players, those who want to take their playing to the next level and those who want to welcome the didgeridoo into their life for the first time.

Nowhere else will you be able to get this much feedback about your playing from a truly experienced team of people.

When you sign up for the Urban Didgeridoo Retreat, you are investing in developing these great musical skills:

· Rhythmic playing
· Circular breathing
· Getting multiple layers of sound
· Incorporating the didgeridoo in a world music context
· Using the didgeridoo as a tool for meditation
· Playing with other musicians

BONUS GIFT: When you sign up for the Urban Didgeridoo Retreat you will receive instant access to Didge Project’s Circular Breathing Mastery Course ($47 value) at no extra cost. Comprised of over 20 videos and 3 full length pre-recorded classes, this program will help you move beyond the foundational techniques of didgeridoo playing and give you everything you need to master circular breathing.


This full-day intensive is being held at The Ark, Home of Sacred Arts Research Foundation in Greenpoint, Brooklyn, a beautiful neighborhood in New York City.

Retreat includes:

· Worksheets containing a wide range of exercises, rhythms, tips and guidance
· Opportunities to play with other musicians
· Opportunities to ask questions during the workshop and get feedback about my playing
· Circular Breathing Mastery online course with over 20 videos and 3 full-length classes


Sign up for only $120!




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