10 Lifestyle Habits of Successful Musicians
It is said you can tell a musician by the way he or she walks. To successful musicians, music is a lifestyle. These 10...
Improve Your Musical Rhythm with Metronome Exercises (no instrument needed)
One of the greatest challenges for musicians at all levels is mastering rhythm. Most struggle with timing and it takes steady discipline to master...
7 Habits That Can Make You A Better Drummer
In most bands, the drummer is the member of the group that others depend upon to establish and drive the rhythm. Some of the...
How to Incorporate Drones Into Your Music
The drone is a simple yet mystical sound, which can be found in many sacred music traditions of the world. From a spiritual perspective...
What Are The Best Ways To Use a Metronome? – Video feat. Metronome Online...
I used to have horrible rhythm. I mean horrible. I could barely clap on the beat and dancing was an embarrassing affair. Throughout this...
What Is A Clave Rhythm? Joakim Lartey explains at Tribal Rhythm Gathering
A clave rhythm is a repeated rhythmic figure, usually played on a single or dual toned instrument such as sticks or bells, and usually...
5 Essential Musical Listening Skills You Need to Develop to Play With Others
Most musicians will, at one time or another, wish to play with others. This might mean hanging around and playing a few tunes in...
It’s All About Rhythm Interactive Concert Experience with Kevin Nathaniel
Kevin Nathaniel is an incredible artist with many years of teaching experience. He specializes in bringing people together through music using voice, dance, and...
How To Most Efficiently Use Your Music Practice Time (On Any Instrument)
I teach music to a lot of people and one of the most common things I hear from new students is “how do I...
6 Clapping Exercises to Improve Your Rhythm with Kevin Nathaniel
Clapping, stepping and dancing through rhythms is one of the best ways to internalize them and develop your musical sense of timing. In this...