What is the best budget travel didgeridoo?


One of the biggest issues for didgeridoo players is how to travel with their instruments. Most people who play didgeridoo for sleep apnea are not willing to carry a 5 foot instrument on a plane. Travel with a full size didgeridoo can be a hassle, especially if you are going somewhere to play purely for yourself. By having a light-weight collapsible travel didgeridoo in a compact bag, you are free to move around effortlessly. The 4-piece instrument sold in the Didge Project store is one of the best budget travel didgeridoos available.

Purchase The 4-Piece Travel Didgeridoo Here

This travel didgeridoo screws apart into 4 pieces that nest together for easy, compact carrying. It features adjustable lengths that allow you to play in 4 different keys (D, D#, E, or F), and comes with a no fuss silicone mouthpiece. It also comes with a durable fabric carrying case, making it simple to bring your didgeridoo with you wherever you go.

Best of all, this travel didgeridoo sounds fantastic and is perfect for beginners. We highly recommend this instrument for its versatility of notes, playable in 4 different keys. The sound is also loud and clear thanks to its tapered shape. Donโ€™t be limited by size: once you get a travel didge you can take your instrument wherever you go!

Didge For Sleep is a learn to play didgeridoo method designed specifically for people with sleep apnea, snoring, Upper airway resistance syndrome, and other sleep -breathing conditions.

When you sign up for Didge For Sleep, you will receive this travel didgeridoo, our instructional handbook and DVD, plus access to our online member forum where you can find over 10 hours of bonus tutorial videos and a forum where you can talk with other people using the didgeridoo to get better rest at night.

Packed dimensions in bag: 22″ x 6″ x 6″.
Assembled dimensions: 5′ with 4.5″ bell and 1.5″ mouthpiece.

Hear how playing didgeridoo has helped people with Sleep Apnea:

Purchase the full Didge For Sleep introductory package now.

Purchase the 4-piece travel didgeridoo here.

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