How to Play Chord Changes on Handpan featuring Meinl Sensory Handpan D Kurd 9


Learn to play chord changes on handpan so you can play along with guitarists, pianists, compose your own music that works with musicians on any instrument!

Gear used in this video:

This video features our debut of the Meinl Sensory Handpan in D Kurd! This handmade stainless steel drum features 9 tone fields that produce an open, velvety sound. The notes are laid out in an accessible pattern, which ensures that anyone can pick up a Sensory Handpan and start playing right away — regardless of musical experience. The Meinl Sensory Handpan also has some unique features which set it apart from other handpans, which you will see in this video.

Meinl Sensory Handpan D Kurd 9

Notes: (D) A Bb C D E F G A

Scale tones: (1) 5 b6 b7 1 2 b3 4 5

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