Live Didgeridoo Q&A #2 addressed circular breathing, playing with backing tracks and more!


We celebrated the arrival of 2022 with Didge Project’s AJ Block for a live question and answer session on all things related to the didgeridoo. Participants asked questions and AJ answered them and did a lot of live didgeridoo demos. Watch the replay here and check out our indexed chapters below:


0:00 Welcome and shout outs
1:28 opening didgeridoo performance
3:30 How to “close the gap” in circular breathing
8:28 Water spitting exercise for circular breathing
10:54 Pumping abs for circular breathing
13:10 Circular breathing rhythm: inhaling every 4 beats
14:05 Building rhythms on didgeridoo using segments of 2 and 3 beats
18:36 New course coming soon!
19:31 Managing saliva in didgeridoo playing
21:36 Maintaining a good seal on the mouthpiece
25:21 Making rhythms last for longer repetitions
27:14 Making animal sound effects on the didgeridoo and incorporating them into your playing
30:43 Doing the cheek squeeze with lip trills only (without spitting water and without playing the didge)
32:24 What are the pros and cons of synthetic made vs. natural material didges?
38:00 How do you play didgeridoo quieter so as not to disturb neighbors?
40:43 Are there people who cannot learn to circular breathe?
44:40 Making didgeridoos out of agave stalks
47:23 Thoughts on box didges
49:00 How to quiet the intake of breath through the nose
50:55 Can you adjust/play with the fundamental pitch of a didge?
53:31 Playing trumpet tones
55:25 Rhythmic backing tracks (accompanying drum beats, etc.)
56:22 iTablaPro overview (mostly equivalent to Lehra Box on Android)
57:57 Live iTablaPro didgerdoo jam
1:00:57 Live Drum Beats+ didgerdoo jam
1:02:36 Jerry Walsh’s looping video
1:03:00 Didgeridoo Fundamentals free download
1:04:12 Specific keys for meditation or trance
1:06:40 Send me your videos of you playing with backing tracks
1:07:14 Can you be considered a didge player if you can make cool beats but cannot circular breathe?
1:08:30 Is circular breathing the most fundamental part of didgeridoo playing?
1:10:18 Lip stretches and warm ups – essential basic technique
1:13:08 Tightening the corners of your lips
1:15:55 Do you see people over-blowing?
1:19:52 Closing jam with iTablaPro
1:24:09 Side vs. middle playing on the didgeridoo mouthpiece
1:25:40 Closing shout outs
1:28:18 Didgeridoo Skills Course (Intermediate/Advanced level playing) program info (program link)

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