Your Free Video Class: Expanding Lung Capacity and Strengthening The Throat Muscles For Playing Wind Instruments

Congratulations on signing up for this free video class! Here you will find two videos that will benefit your wind instrument playing. Both of these videos come from the Didge For Sleep DVD, available with the full Didge For Sleep Intro Package or as standalone DVD and Handbook (digital version also available). Enjoy!

1. Expanding Lung Capacity


2. Strengthening The Muscles of the Throat


Bonus video: How does playing the didgeridoo help to alleviate sleep apnea and snoring?

About Didge For Sleep

Obstructive sleep apnea and snoring are conditions caused primarily by a blockage in the throat. When the person is sleeping, air tries to get from the mouth or nose into the lungs through the throatโ€™s air passageway, also known as the windpipe. When the windpipe becomes fully obstructed this creates an apnea, or a stoppage in the breath. When the windpipe is partially obstructed, a vibration is created which manifests as snoring, which manifests as snoring, an extremely common issue. Fortunately, playing the didgeridoo can help.

In 2006, the British Medical Journal reported a study that compared two groups of patients with moderate sleep apnea: one group that practiced 6 days a week for 25 minutes and another group which did not play didgeridoo. They found that the group that practiced didgeridoo had a significant decrease in their snoring and great improvement in their sleep apnea. Read the full report here.

What makes playing the didgeridoo so effective in improving quality of sleep is the process of toning the muscles in the throat and tongue. Just as a person goes to the gym to lift weights, we go to the didgeridoo practice to strengthen our physical bodies. Similar to weightlifting, there are exercises and activities that must be repeated, and Didge For Sleep provides you with all the foundations needed to build your didgeridoo muscles. Throughout your training, you will be strengthening the muscles in your throat, face, lips, jaw, cheeks, abdominals, and your entire respiratory system. This improves the muscle mass to fat ratio, reduces body fat in the throat and tongue, and provides you with a lower chance of windpipe obstruction and thus, a better nightโ€™s sleep. This improvement in sleep quality has now been documented in hundreds of cases.