How To Play Didgeridoo Rhythms in 3 and 6 Beat Cycles (3/4 and 6/8 Time Signatures)


Playing didgeridoo in repeating cycles of 3 or 6 beats creates some unique rhythmic opportunities. By learning these cycles, you will have a lot more options to play with, especially when you begin to combine them with other didgeridoo sounds, as you will see in this video.

Many trained musicians refer to 3 and 6 beat cycles as the time signatures of 3/4 and 6/8. Other less common time signatures include 6/4 and you could even group 12/8 into this family of time signatures.

*Free Download: World Rhythms for Didgeridoo, 45-minute intermediate level course:

*Free Download: Didgeridoo Fundamentals, 45-minute beginners course:

*Purchase the Didge For Sleep DVD, Handbook and Travel Didgeridoo at

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