Traditional Aboriginal Australian Welcome Song by Lewis Burns (Tubba-Gah Wiradjuri) inviting you to the Heart & Mind Festival


Aboriginal Artist Lewis Burns welcomes the audience at the Heart & Mind Festival with the traditional welcome song of his people.

*Join Lewis Burns at Heart & Mind Festival Presents: Peace-IN, June 23-26, 2020. Full details and registration at

heart and mind festival peace-in
heart and mind festival peace-in

Lewis Burns is a Tubba-Gah Wiradjuri man born and living in Dubbo, NSW Australia. He has been learning about his Aboriginal culture for as long as he can remember. He continues to practice and respect these life skills each day and still learns and grows from this ancient knowledge. Lewisโ€™ love of his heritage is evident when you speak with him, and depicted even more in his Aboriginal crafts, traditional dancing, didgeridoo performances, mural paintings and teaching. He is very dedicated to sharing what he knows with others to help keep these customs alive. Lewis paints in traditional Aboriginal and contemporary styles. He has exhibited globally and performed globally with his handcrafted didgeridoos. Each piece of Lewisโ€™ artwork tells a storyโ€ฆ..a story that will live on forever through the generations, as the artwork is handed down from one family to another.

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AJ Block is the director of Didge Project and is active as a didgeridoo teacher and performer. In addition to didgeridoo, AJ has spent years studying music traditions from all over the world including jazz (trombone and piano), western classical music, Indian Classical Music, guitar and world percussion. AJ has developed a number of programs for Didge Project including The ABCs of Didgeridoo, The Didgeridoo Skills Course, and Circular Breathing Mastery. He is also the author of Didge For Sleep, a didgeridoo learning method designed specifically for people with Sleep Apnea. As a performer AJ is the leader of the Didge Project Music Collective and a member of Dream Seed: A Shamanic Sound Journey. AJ is a founding member of Sacred Arts Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of sacred art traditions through education, ritual and study. As a student of spiritual teacher Maestro Manuel Rufino AJ is an active member of the Golden Drum community.