Circular Breathing
Learning circular breathing on didgeridoo and other wind instruments is beneficial because it will allow you to play for longer periods of time and allow you to go deeper into the music. These articles will help you learn circular breathing and many other supportive techniques.
Circular Breathing Basics for Didgeridoo: Bounce Breathing
Bounce breathing is one of the didgeridoo circular breathing basics all players should learn. In this approach, the cheeks appear to be full the...
The Long Inhalation: An Essential Circular Breathing Technique
The Long Inhalation is a special circular breathing technique for didgeridoo or other winds, which is different from the way you see it taught.
Learn To Circular Breathe by Developing The Abs, Cheeks and Jaw Muscles
Many people try to learn to circular breathe without having the proper foundation in place. The exercises presented in this video show you how...
6 Steps to Mastering Circular Breathing on Didgeridoo
Circular breathing is a wind instrument technique that allows the player to sustain a tone for an extended period of time. This is accomplished...