Hybrid Instruments, Didgeridoo Festivals and New Music from Around The World

didgeridoo festivals portugal europe spain france
Photo courtesy of FATT Didgeridoo Festival, Portugal

Feel like you need some fresh inspiration? From stringed wind instruments to didgeridoo festivals in Portugal and Mexico, we’ve rounded up the best of what’s trending in the didgeridoo world.

1. The Electric Stringed Didgeridoo

The Elecric Stringed Didgeridoo is a unique hybrid instrument invented by Andy Graham. Andy is the inventor of the Slaperoo and has been on the didge scene for a long time. Literally 25 people sent me this video.

The Electric Stringed Didgeridoo

Posted by Andy Graham on Tuesday, December 1, 2015

2. FATT Didgeridoo Festival

The Portuguese didgeridoo festival known as FATT has put together one of the nicest festival videos I’ve seen. Really nice visuals, great sound recordings, awesome fire spinning. What more could you ask for?

Festival Didgeridoo – FATT 2015 from Apdidgeridoo on Vimeo.

3. Will Thoren solo didgeridoo album preview

Will Thoren, founder of WET and MOB Didgeridoos, says “Its been a long time coming for this!:D I have been working on tracks for my first solo didgeridoo-focused album for about 8 months. This album should be ready [soon]. I will launch a pre-sale to raise money for the final recording/mixing/mastering in Sept or Oct. Thanks for Listening!”

4. The Celloridoo

Another video that was sent to me over 20 times. Cello and didgeridoo make a fantastic combination and to have them both in one instrument would be spectacular. Although this is only a 3D rendering, I will say that when this hits the market I’m buying one!

Celloridoo from Aidin Ardjomandi on Vimeo.

5. Festival Mexicano de Didgeridoo y Trompeta Maya

Another festival video that shows the diversity of activities when people gather around the didgeridoo. In Mexico there is a special focus on reviving the didgeridoo as a Mayan instrument.

Festival Mexicano de Didgeridoo y Trompeta Maya from Martin Balestrini on Vimeo.

6. Didgeridoo Psybient

If you asked me to define Psybient I probably couldn’t do it, but I know it has a heavy electronic component. This 90-minute video/playlist is popular, so enjoy!

7. ‘The New Swiss’ [Beatbox x Didgeridoo x Alphorn] in 2.7K !

Didgeridoo/Alp Horn played by Swiss Beatboxer Arthur Henry with stunning views shot by ultra-HD hover-drone.

8. Zalem & Thewill – Cave Madness – didgeridoo & Cajon

Our favorite French didgeridoo player joins percussionist Thewill in a cave for a high-energy jam session.

That’s it for now ya’ll. If you have any hot videos or articles for our next roundup, please be sure to mention them in the comments section below.

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AJ Block is the director of Didge Project and is active as a didgeridoo teacher and performer. In addition to didgeridoo, AJ has spent years studying music traditions from all over the world including jazz (trombone and piano), western classical music, Indian Classical Music, guitar and world percussion. AJ has developed a number of programs for Didge Project including The ABCs of Didgeridoo, The Didgeridoo Skills Course, and Circular Breathing Mastery. He is also the author of Didge For Sleep, a didgeridoo learning method designed specifically for people with Sleep Apnea. As a performer AJ is the leader of the Didge Project Music Collective and a member of Dream Seed: A Shamanic Sound Journey. AJ is a founding member of Sacred Arts Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of sacred art traditions through education, ritual and study. As a student of spiritual teacher Maestro Manuel Rufino AJ is an active member of the Golden Drum community.