Dream Seed Sound Healer Training Program 2023-2024: A 9-Month Intensive In-Person in NYC and Online Worldwide


A 9-Month, 130 Hour In-Person and Online Training

October 2023 to June 2024

All events in-person at Golden Drum except the Shamanic Sound Practitioner’s Weekend with Maestro Manuel Rufino in April 2024.

The Dream Seed Sound Healer Training Program is an immersive multi-cultural/inter-tribal course designed to give people a hands-on approach to facilitating sound healing sessions. By bridging the fields of sacred music, energy work, and healing traditions, participants will strengthen their capacity as sound workers and will walk away with the skills and knowledge to be able to incorporate sound into healing sessions and meditative environments. Participants who meet the attendance requirements will receive a certification of course completion.

Images from Dream Seed’s previous sound healer trainings:

The training course will include a weekend intensive in upstate New York with Maestro Manuel, Taino Elder and visionary founder of Golden Drum, where participants will go deep into traditional healing practices from around the globe. Other guest teachers will be featured from the African and Indian musical traditions during various weekend modules.

Class Sessions included in this program:

  • Oct 13-14, 2023: Sound Healer Training Opening Weekend
  • Nov 10-11, 2023: Overtone-emitting instruments
  • Dec 8-9, 2023: Drum Journey Weekend and Drum Making Workshop
  • Jan 26-27, 2023: Wind Instruments
  • Feb 2024 date tbd (Friday evening and Saturday full day): Freeing The Voice
  • Mar 8-9, 2024: African Song and Rhythm
  • April 2024 date tbd (full weekend: Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday): Maestro Manuel Rufino – Shamanic Sound Practitioners Intensive Weekend in The Catskills, NY
  • May date tbd (Friday evening and Saturday full day): Indian music weekend
  • June 7-8: Practices for Sound Healers

Additionally this training includes:

  • One group zoom meeting per month (90-minutes each)
  • Three 1-on-1 phone check-ins with the program facilitators
  • Admission to two additional Dream Seed sound baths at Golden Drum (2 hours each)
  • *Note: program is subject to change

What is sound healing and what is it used for?

Sound is our essence. We are vibration. Sound is one of the prominent medicines of the Aquarian Age. The world is waking up to “new age” therapies rooted in sound and vibration that are in fact ancient. Sound rituals have been an integral part of indigenous and spiritual traditions and cultures worldwide for thousands of years. In every indigenous culture, it is deeply understood that sound is an essential element of creation and well-being. Today, science is catching up to this understanding and sound is growing as a mainstream therapeutic practice for consciousness, healing, and wellbeing.

Classes will be broadcast and recorded via Zoom. Participants (both In-Person and Online) will receive near-immediate access to these recordings and will be able to access them for up to 3 months after the end of the program.

Full Program Details and Registration at goldendrum.org

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AJ Block is the director of Didge Project and is active as a didgeridoo teacher and performer. In addition to didgeridoo, AJ has spent years studying music traditions from all over the world including jazz (trombone and piano), western classical music, Indian Classical Music, guitar and world percussion. AJ has developed a number of programs for Didge Project including The ABCs of Didgeridoo, The Didgeridoo Skills Course, and Circular Breathing Mastery. He is also the author of Didge For Sleep, a didgeridoo learning method designed specifically for people with Sleep Apnea. As a performer AJ is the leader of the Didge Project Music Collective and a member of Dream Seed: A Shamanic Sound Journey. AJ is a founding member of Sacred Arts Research Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of sacred art traditions through education, ritual and study. As a student of spiritual teacher Maestro Manuel Rufino AJ is an active member of the Golden Drum community.