
25 New Hardwood Didgeridoos Added To The Didge Project Store

Check out some amazing new didgeridoos that have landed in our store and can be yours! Each one is a unique one-of-a-kind instrument that...

Professional Handsfree Didgeridoo Stands now available in the US and Worldwide

Play it standing or sitting, free your hands to play other instruments, mount it on stage, or bring it to a drum circle: anywhere...

Didgeridoo Buyer’s Guide: Which Didgeridoo Should You Get And Why?

Looking to buy a didgeridoo but don't know where to start? Welcome to our Didgeridoo Buyer's Guide! Today, we dive into all the major...

Handcrafted Yucca Didgeridoos Now Available

Didge Project welcomes didgeridoo craftsman Sam David to our catalog starting with a beautiful batch of 11 handcrafted yucca didgeridoos. Sam uses sustainable harvesting...

10 Best Selling Musical Instruments You Should Know

We are wrapping up 2021 with a review on the best selling musical instruments from our store this year. Check out the high quality...

Didgeridoo & Handpan Player T-Shirts, Hoodies, Mugs + More!

We are excited to present wearable Handpan and Didgeridoo art that you can display wherever you go. T-Shirts, Hooded Sweatshirts and Mugs available now. These...

Holiday Gifts For Music Lovers: A Quick Guide

‘Tis the season for holiday shopping! By now you’ve probably made a list that details everyone that you need to shop for. If you...

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